



Savić, Marko

Oblikovanje poslovnih modelov : kje se skriva ključ do debelih vrednosti v prodornih organizacijah? Book

dŠola, Ljutomer, 2014, ISBN: 978-961-281-452-6.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

title = {Oblikovanje poslovnih modelov : kje se skriva ključ do debelih vrednosti v prodornih organizacijah?},
author = {Marko Savić },
editor = {Renato Bratkovič},
doi = {10.6084/m9.figshare.14472771},
isbn = {978-961-281-452-6},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-07-15},
booktitle = {Oblikovanje poslovnih modelov : kje se skriva ključ do debelih vrednosti v prodornih organizacijah?},
publisher = {dŠola},
address = {Ljutomer},
series = {Banno},
abstract = {Knjiga Oblikovanje poslovnih modelov je nastala z namenom ponuditi primere, drugačne pristope in načine reševanja problemov z dizajn razmišljanjem in novimi poslovnimi modeli.

Avtor knjige trdno verjame, da konstruktivne strategije v povezavi z dizajn razmišljanjem in inovativnimi poslovnimi modeli vodijo v srečne skupnosti tako za posameznice, posameznike in celotno družbo v sedanjosti kot tudi za prihodnje generacije.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}


Knjiga Oblikovanje poslovnih modelov je nastala z namenom ponuditi primere, drugačne pristope in načine reševanja problemov z dizajn razmišljanjem in novimi poslovnimi modeli.

Avtor knjige trdno verjame, da konstruktivne strategije v povezavi z dizajn razmišljanjem in inovativnimi poslovnimi modeli vodijo v srečne skupnosti tako za posameznice, posameznike in celotno družbo v sedanjosti kot tudi za prihodnje generacije.


Journal Articles

Savić, Marko

Globalizacija in nacionalizmi v športu Journal Article

In: Medijska preža : bilten za opazovanje medijev, no. 20/21, pp. 68-70, 2004, ISSN: 1580-8386.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

title = {Globalizacija in nacionalizmi v športu},
author = {Marko Savić},
editor = {Brankica Petković},
url = {http://mediawatch.mirovni-institut.si/bilten/seznam/20/sport/},
issn = {1580-8386},
year = {2004},
date = {2004-01-01},
journal = {Medijska preža : bilten za opazovanje medijev},
number = {20/21},
pages = {68-70},
publisher = {Mirovni inštitut},
address = {Ljubljana},
abstract = {Obstajata vsaj dva pogleda na globalizacijo v športu: prvi pravi, da je šport samo še ena oblika kulturne hegemonije Združenih držav Amerike, drugi pogled pa zagovarja, da je sodobni šport vedno bil in je del svetovnega gospodarstva in kot tak samo prispeva k ustvarjanju globalne potrošniške kulture.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}


Obstajata vsaj dva pogleda na globalizacijo v športu: prvi pravi, da je šport samo še ena oblika kulturne hegemonije Združenih držav Amerike, drugi pogled pa zagovarja, da je sodobni šport vedno bil in je del svetovnega gospodarstva in kot tak samo prispeva k ustvarjanju globalne potrošniške kulture.


Savić, Marko

Civilna družba v športu in športni rekreaciji ali razmišljanje o medijskih konstruktih "civilne športne sfere" Journal Article

In: Šport : revija za teoretična in praktična vprašanja športa, vol. letn. 51, no. št. 4, pp. str. 5-12, 2003.


title = {Civilna družba v športu in športni rekreaciji ali razmišljanje o medijskih konstruktih "civilne športne sfere"},
author = {Marko Savić},
year = {2003},
date = {2003-01-01},
journal = {Šport : revija za teoretična in praktična vprašanja športa},
volume = {letn. 51},
number = {št. 4},
pages = {str. 5-12},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}


Savić, Marko

Športna rekreacija v vsakdanjem življenju kot način nadzorovanja telesa : modul: Antropologija lastnega sveta Journal Article

In: Šport : revija za teoretična in praktična vprašanja športa, vol. letn. 50, no. št. 3, pp. str. 25-30, 2002.


title = {Športna rekreacija v vsakdanjem življenju kot način nadzorovanja telesa : modul: Antropologija lastnega sveta},
author = {Marko Savić},
year = {2002},
date = {2002-01-01},
journal = {Šport : revija za teoretična in praktična vprašanja športa},
volume = {letn. 50},
number = {št. 3},
pages = {str. 25-30},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}


Savić, Marko; Kovač, Marjeta

Analiza projekta Rekreacija 2000 - živimo zdravo za zabavo Journal Article

In: Šport mladih. Informator, no. št. 2, pp. str. 54-57, 2001.


title = {Analiza projekta Rekreacija 2000 - živimo zdravo za zabavo},
author = {Marko Savić and Marjeta Kovač},
year = {2001},
date = {2001-01-01},
journal = {Šport mladih. Informator},
number = {št. 2},
pages = {str. 54-57},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}


Savić, Marko

Podoba telesa pri ženskah, ki vadijo aerobiko Journal Article

In: Šport : revija za teoretična in praktična vprašanja športa, vol. letn. 48, no. št. 3, pp. str. 12-14, 2000.


title = {Podoba telesa pri ženskah, ki vadijo aerobiko},
author = {Marko Savić},
year = {2000},
date = {2000-01-01},
journal = {Šport : revija za teoretična in praktična vprašanja športa},
volume = {letn. 48},
number = {št. 3},
pages = {str. 12-14},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}


Bednarik, Jakob; Dvoršak, Jani; Kogoj, Igor; Kolenc, Marko; Kovač, Marjeta; Peterlin, Janez; Plestenjak, Mojca; Rus, Miloš; Savić, Marko; Šramel, Ervin

Špic informator : poslovne informacije na področju športa Journal Article

In: ŠPiC informator : poslovne informacije na področju športa, vol. letn. 1, no. št. 1, pp. celotna št., 2000.


title = {Špic informator : poslovne informacije na področju športa},
author = {Jakob Bednarik and Jani Dvoršak and Igor Kogoj and Marko Kolenc and Marjeta Kovač and Janez Peterlin and Mojca Plestenjak and Miloš Rus and Marko Savić and Ervin Šramel},
year = {2000},
date = {2000-01-01},
journal = {ŠPiC informator : poslovne informacije na področju športa},
volume = {letn. 1},
number = {št. 1},
pages = {celotna št.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}


Proceedings Articles

Savić, Marko; Abramović, Borna

A Cross-Border Railway Bridge Non-Reconstruction: Actor-Network Analysis of its Design, Non-Development, and Non-Action Proceedings Article

In: Cole, Nicki Lisa; Jahrbacher, Michaela; Getzinger, Günter (Ed.): Conference Proceedings of the STS Conference Graz 2021, pp. 337-347, Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, 2021, ISBN: 978-3-85125-855-4.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

title = {A Cross-Border Railway Bridge Non-Reconstruction: Actor-Network Analysis of its Design, Non-Development, and Non-Action},
author = {Marko Savić and Borna Abramović},
editor = {Nicki Lisa Cole and Michaela Jahrbacher and Günter Getzinger},
url = {https://diglib.tugraz.at/download.php?id=6188f970cbb71&location=browsehttps://dsola.si/sts_conference_graz_2021_proceedings_19/},
doi = {10.3217/978-3-85125-855-4-19},
isbn = {978-3-85125-855-4},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-11-04},
urldate = {2021-11-04},
booktitle = {Conference Proceedings of the STS Conference Graz 2021},
issuetitle = {Critical Issues in Science, Technology‚ and Society Studies},
pages = {337-347},
publisher = {Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz},
school = {TU Graz},
abstract = {We describe the story of the railway missing links, particularly of the crossborder railway bridge in the Mura-Drava-Rails network. Eight railway lines formed this railway network from 1857 to 1924. We introduce our research with the historical case of design and innovation development of the semi-parabolic railway bridges. The central time frame of this paper is delimited to the post-second world war years to the present. With actor-network analysis, we describe the non-development and nonaction in the two cross-border railway regional lines, each with its missing link. These two missing links in an estimated length of twelve railway kilometres prevent the network from being reformed. Additionally, we draw insights from urban studies, development studies, and machine theory. We followed the logic of the nonreconstruction of the railway bridge on the border of the former Yugoslavia with the Republic of Austria and the rationalisation of the passenger railway transport in the former country in 1968 on the one side. That is how we tried to understand also the commissioning of the cross-border road bridge between the two countries over the Mura river only a year later, in 1969, on the other side. We had to broaden our research perspective to all the railway border crossings of today’s Slovenia with Austria, Hungary, and Italy. By mapping these railway border crossings, we were able to
describe the strategic intent of the former country, which was to close the majority of the railway borders crossing—seven out of ten railway border crossings existing before the second world war—on its northern borders.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}


We describe the story of the railway missing links, particularly of the crossborder railway bridge in the Mura-Drava-Rails network. Eight railway lines formed this railway network from 1857 to 1924. We introduce our research with the historical case of design and innovation development of the semi-parabolic railway bridges. The central time frame of this paper is delimited to the post-second world war years to the present. With actor-network analysis, we describe the non-development and nonaction in the two cross-border railway regional lines, each with its missing link. These two missing links in an estimated length of twelve railway kilometres prevent the network from being reformed. Additionally, we draw insights from urban studies, development studies, and machine theory. We followed the logic of the nonreconstruction of the railway bridge on the border of the former Yugoslavia with the Republic of Austria and the rationalisation of the passenger railway transport in the former country in 1968 on the one side. That is how we tried to understand also the commissioning of the cross-border road bridge between the two countries over the Mura river only a year later, in 1969, on the other side. We had to broaden our research perspective to all the railway border crossings of today’s Slovenia with Austria, Hungary, and Italy. By mapping these railway border crossings, we were able to
describe the strategic intent of the former country, which was to close the majority of the railway borders crossing—seven out of ten railway border crossings existing before the second world war—on its northern borders.


Savić, Marko

Oblikovanje novih poslovnih modelov za razvoj kolesarstva Proceedings Article

In: Hanžič, Katja; Cesnik, Silvo (Ed.): Daljinske kolesarske poti : priložnosti za trajnostni razvoj Slovenije, Maribor, 20. september 2012 = Long-distance cycle routes : opportunities for sustainable development of Slovenia, Maribor, 20th of September 2012, pp. 69-71, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo, Maribor, 2012, ISBN: 978-961-248-357-9.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

title = {Oblikovanje novih poslovnih modelov za razvoj kolesarstva},
author = {Marko Savić},
editor = {Katja Hanžič and Silvo Cesnik},
url = {https://dk.um.si/Dokument.php?id=52213},
doi = {10.6084/m9.figshare.14472933},
isbn = {978-961-248-357-9},
year = {2012},
date = {2012-01-01},
urldate = {2012-01-01},
booktitle = {Daljinske kolesarske poti : priložnosti za trajnostni razvoj Slovenije, Maribor, 20. september 2012 = Long-distance cycle routes : opportunities for sustainable development of Slovenia, Maribor, 20th of September 2012},
pages = {69-71},
publisher = {Fakulteta za gradbeništvo},
address = {Maribor},
abstract = {Za razvoj kolesarstva v Sloveniji je ključno oblikovanje novih poslovnih modelov. Iz zgodovine vemo, da so se posamezne industrije uveljavile zaradi poslovnih modelov. V današnjih časih je možno prenesti številne dobre prakse iz tujih držav brez večjih stroškov. Hkrati je smiselno številne modele razvoja oblikovati na novo, posebej prilagojene kulturi kolesarstva, ki jo želimo sooblikovati.
For the development of cycling in Slovenia, the key is the new business model design. From history, we know that the particular industries succeeded by implementing new business models. In these days and age, it is possible to transfer a number of good practices from foreign countries to Slovenia without major costs. At the same time, it makes sense to develop a number of new business models for the development of new tailor-made cycling culture that we want to co-design.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}


Za razvoj kolesarstva v Sloveniji je ključno oblikovanje novih poslovnih modelov. Iz zgodovine vemo, da so se posamezne industrije uveljavile zaradi poslovnih modelov. V današnjih časih je možno prenesti številne dobre prakse iz tujih držav brez večjih stroškov. Hkrati je smiselno številne modele razvoja oblikovati na novo, posebej prilagojene kulturi kolesarstva, ki jo želimo sooblikovati.
For the development of cycling in Slovenia, the key is the new business model design. From history, we know that the particular industries succeeded by implementing new business models. In these days and age, it is possible to transfer a number of good practices from foreign countries to Slovenia without major costs. At the same time, it makes sense to develop a number of new business models for the development of new tailor-made cycling culture that we want to co-design.


Zagorc, Meta; Milić, Radoje; Savić, Marko

The aerobics workout functional loads analysis Proceedings Article

In: Strojnik, Vojko; Ušaj, Anton; Jošt, Bojan (Ed.): [Theories of human motor performance and their reflections in practice], pp. str. 417-420, Faculty of Sport, Ljubljana, 1999.


title = {The aerobics workout functional loads analysis},
author = {Meta Zagorc and Radoje Milić and Marko Savić},
editor = {Vojko Strojnik and Anton Ušaj and Bojan Jošt},
year = {1999},
date = {1999-01-01},
booktitle = {[Theories of human motor performance and their reflections in practice]},
pages = {str. 417-420},
publisher = {Faculty of Sport},
address = {Ljubljana},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}


Zagorc, Meta; Milić, Radoje; Savić, Marko

The aerobics workout functional loads analysis Proceedings Article

In: Strojnik, Vojko; Ušaj, Anton (Ed.): Sport kinetics '99 : theories of human motor performance and their reflections in practice : book of abstracts, pp. str. 193, International Association of Sport Kinetics, Univerza, Fakulteta za šport, Ljubljana, 1999.


title = {The aerobics workout functional loads analysis},
author = {Meta Zagorc and Radoje Milić and Marko Savić},
editor = {Vojko Strojnik and Anton Ušaj},
year = {1999},
date = {1999-01-01},
booktitle = {Sport kinetics '99 : theories of human motor performance and their reflections in practice : book of abstracts},
pages = {str. 193},
publisher = {International Association of Sport Kinetics, Univerza, Fakulteta za šport},
address = {Ljubljana},
series = {Kinesiologia slovenica, Letn. 5, posebna št.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}



Savić, Marko

Key Resources in Small and Medium Enterprises for Business Model Innovation Conference

Sustainable Innovation 2015: 20th International Conference ‘State of the Art’ Sustainable Innovation & Design The Centre for Sustainable Design, Epsom, University for the Creative Arts, 2015.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

title = {Key Resources in Small and Medium Enterprises for Business Model Innovation},
author = {Marko Savić},
url = {https://cfsd.org.uk/site-pdfs/si15/abstracts/sustainable-product-development-2/Ref%2037%20Abstract.pdf},
doi = {10.6084/m9.figshare.12197760},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-11-10},
urldate = {2015-11-10},
publisher = {The Centre for Sustainable Design},
address = {Epsom, University for the Creative Arts},
organization = {Sustainable Innovation 2015: 20th International Conference ‘State of the Art’ Sustainable Innovation & Design},
abstract = {Some scholars claim that the vicious circle of design-manufacture-marketing-consumption is exhausted and will make planet Earth run out of fuel. Therefore, they propose a new social contract (Brown, 2009: 200-1), because Brown is noticing that the prevailing model in the developed world is not working. As one of the possibilities, he urges us to imagine a society where what we buy should help create wealth not just consumption. In his opinion, it is no surprise that the idea of designing products, services, and business models first appeared in places where most people have no choice (2009: 212).

In his widely acclaimed book, Osterwalder (2010) has explained five new business model patterns, among them unbundling business models, the long tail, multi-sided platforms, free as a business model, and open business model. Recent research has identified 20 new business model patterns according to their impact as + environmental (closed-loop production, physical to virtual, produce on-demand, rematerialization impact); + social (buy one - give one, cooperative ownership, inclusive sourcing); + financial innovation (crowdfunding, freemium, innovative product financing, pay for success, subscription model); + base of the pyramid (building a marketplace, differential pricing, microfinance, micro-franchise); and with diverse impact (alternative marketplace, behavior change, product as a service, shared resource) (Clinton and Whisnant, 2014). Referring to business models, Teece (2010: 179) claims that a business model is more generic than a business strategy. Furthermore, organizations should link strategy and business model analysis to protect competitive advantage resulting from new business model design. The idea of value protection is to be questioned in the proposed research, especially within the possible experience transfer of business innovation and business model innovation into the small and medium enterprises.

The main idea of this proposed pre-research presentation is to generate an understanding of how to transfer the knowledge about strategy innovations, and questions that inform business model innovation, including the field of social innovation for social impact. Business model innovation is the field that helped some business organisations, large and small achieve thick and most of all sustainable values while it is evident at the same time that technological innovation itself does not guarantee business success. But when technological innovation was linked to so-called non-technological or design innovation, some business innovators had tremendous success. What do these experiences from the business innovators mean for small and medium enterprises?

Is the knowledge transfer possible for small and medium enterprises and even to public sector and civic organizations? These questions and further hypotheses will be developed in a pre-research on the sample of small and medium enterprises in Slovenia. First insights will be presented at the conference.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}


Some scholars claim that the vicious circle of design-manufacture-marketing-consumption is exhausted and will make planet Earth run out of fuel. Therefore, they propose a new social contract (Brown, 2009: 200-1), because Brown is noticing that the prevailing model in the developed world is not working. As one of the possibilities, he urges us to imagine a society where what we buy should help create wealth not just consumption. In his opinion, it is no surprise that the idea of designing products, services, and business models first appeared in places where most people have no choice (2009: 212).

In his widely acclaimed book, Osterwalder (2010) has explained five new business model patterns, among them unbundling business models, the long tail, multi-sided platforms, free as a business model, and open business model. Recent research has identified 20 new business model patterns according to their impact as + environmental (closed-loop production, physical to virtual, produce on-demand, rematerialization impact); + social (buy one - give one, cooperative ownership, inclusive sourcing); + financial innovation (crowdfunding, freemium, innovative product financing, pay for success, subscription model); + base of the pyramid (building a marketplace, differential pricing, microfinance, micro-franchise); and with diverse impact (alternative marketplace, behavior change, product as a service, shared resource) (Clinton and Whisnant, 2014). Referring to business models, Teece (2010: 179) claims that a business model is more generic than a business strategy. Furthermore, organizations should link strategy and business model analysis to protect competitive advantage resulting from new business model design. The idea of value protection is to be questioned in the proposed research, especially within the possible experience transfer of business innovation and business model innovation into the small and medium enterprises.

The main idea of this proposed pre-research presentation is to generate an understanding of how to transfer the knowledge about strategy innovations, and questions that inform business model innovation, including the field of social innovation for social impact. Business model innovation is the field that helped some business organisations, large and small achieve thick and most of all sustainable values while it is evident at the same time that technological innovation itself does not guarantee business success. But when technological innovation was linked to so-called non-technological or design innovation, some business innovators had tremendous success. What do these experiences from the business innovators mean for small and medium enterprises?

Is the knowledge transfer possible for small and medium enterprises and even to public sector and civic organizations? These questions and further hypotheses will be developed in a pre-research on the sample of small and medium enterprises in Slovenia. First insights will be presented at the conference.


Savić, Marko

Trije načini za doseganje vrednosti v prodornih družbah Conference

Dobre prakse managementa poslovnih procesov / 8. mednarodna poslovna konferenca Management poslovnih procesov University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business; Bureau Veritas Slovenia; Taktika Plus, Ljubljana, 2013.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

title = {Trije načini za doseganje vrednosti v prodornih družbah},
author = {Marko Savić},
url = {https://dsola.si/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Izvlecek-iz-zbornika-konference-MPP-2013-Marko-Savic.pdf},
doi = {10.6084/m9.figshare.14472921},
year = {2013},
date = {2013-10-17},
urldate = {2013-10-17},
publisher = {University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business; Bureau Veritas Slovenia; Taktika Plus},
address = {Ljubljana},
institution = {University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business},
organization = {Dobre prakse managementa poslovnih procesov / 8. mednarodna poslovna konferenca Management poslovnih procesov},
abstract = {Kako danes prodorne družbe dosegajo vrednosti? V doseganju stroškovnih prednosti? Z visokimi
vlaganji v blagovne znamke? S strmenjem k dominanci na trgu? Z zaklepanjem kupcev? Z iskanjem razlikovalnosti?

Prodorne družbe dosegajo vrednosti v oblikovanju konstruktivnih strategij. Hkrati se prodorne družbe zavedajo, da morajo oblikovati vrednosti naprej za njihove kupce in potem za njihovo družbo. V tem procesu imajo poslovni modeli ključno vlogo. Predstavljen bo Kanvas poslovnih modelov in vseh devet gradnikov poslovnega modela.

In nenazadnje bo predstavljen tudi primer iz prakse uvajanja inovativnega poslovnega modela.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}


Kako danes prodorne družbe dosegajo vrednosti? V doseganju stroškovnih prednosti? Z visokimi
vlaganji v blagovne znamke? S strmenjem k dominanci na trgu? Z zaklepanjem kupcev? Z iskanjem razlikovalnosti?

Prodorne družbe dosegajo vrednosti v oblikovanju konstruktivnih strategij. Hkrati se prodorne družbe zavedajo, da morajo oblikovati vrednosti naprej za njihove kupce in potem za njihovo družbo. V tem procesu imajo poslovni modeli ključno vlogo. Predstavljen bo Kanvas poslovnih modelov in vseh devet gradnikov poslovnega modela.

In nenazadnje bo predstavljen tudi primer iz prakse uvajanja inovativnega poslovnega modela.



Savić, Marko

Design for Europe public interactive seminar: Three ways to create value in breakthrough companies Workshop

Ljubljana Castle, Grajska planota 1, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2015.


title = {Design for Europe public interactive seminar: Three ways to create value in breakthrough companies},
author = {Marko Savić},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-11-19},
address = {Ljubljana Castle, Grajska planota 1, Ljubljana, Slovenia},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workshop}


Savić, Marko

Agro-Foods industry seminar: Cyins of Creativity Workshop

Palia Ilektriki Municipal Cultural Centre, Β6 55, Paphos, Cyprus, 2015.


title = {Agro-Foods industry seminar: Cyins of Creativity},
author = {Marko Savić},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-11-18},
address = {Palia Ilektriki Municipal Cultural Centre, Β6 55, Paphos, Cyprus},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workshop}


Savić, Marko

Leisure and tourism industry seminar: Cyins of Creativity Workshop

Palia Ilektriki Municipal Cultural Centre, Β6 55, Paphos, Cyprus, 2015.


title = {Leisure and tourism industry seminar: Cyins of Creativity},
author = {Marko Savić},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-11-17},
address = {Palia Ilektriki Municipal Cultural Centre, Β6 55, Paphos, Cyprus},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workshop}


Savić, Marko

Design for Europe public interactive seminar: Three ways to create value in breakthrough companies Workshop

High school Slovenska Bistrica, Ulica dr. Jožeta Pučnika 21, Slovenska Bistrica, Slovenia, 2015.


title = {Design for Europe public interactive seminar: Three ways to create value in breakthrough companies},
author = {Marko Savić},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-11-12},
urldate = {2015-11-12},
address = {High school Slovenska Bistrica, Ulica dr. Jožeta Pučnika 21, Slovenska Bistrica, Slovenia},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workshop}


Savić, Marko

Design for Europe public interactive seminar: Three ways to create value in breakthrough companies Workshop

Hotel Jeruzalem, Glavni trg 15, Ljutomer, Slovenia, 2015.


title = {Design for Europe public interactive seminar: Three ways to create value in breakthrough companies},
author = {Marko Savić},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-11-12},
urldate = {2015-11-12},
address = {Hotel Jeruzalem, Glavni trg 15, Ljutomer, Slovenia},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workshop}


Savić, Marko

Design for Europe public interactive seminar: Three ways to create value in breakthrough companies Workshop

Lili Novy Literary Club, Prešernova cesta 10, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2015.


title = {Design for Europe public interactive seminar: Three ways to create value in breakthrough companies},
author = {Marko Savić},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-11-04},
urldate = {2015-11-04},
address = {Lili Novy Literary Club, Prešernova cesta 10, Ljubljana, Slovenia},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workshop}


Savić, Marko

University seminar: Business Model Innovation Workshop

Faculty of Social Sciences, Kardeljeva ploščad 5, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2015.


title = {University seminar: Business Model Innovation},
author = {Marko Savić},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-03-02},
urldate = {2015-03-02},
address = {Faculty of Social Sciences, Kardeljeva ploščad 5, Ljubljana, Slovenia},
school = {Faculty of Social Sciences},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workshop}


Savić, Marko

Public workshop: Three ways to create value in breakthrough companies Workshop

ImpactHub Vienna, Lindengasse 56, Vienna, Austria, 2014.


title = {Public workshop: Three ways to create value in breakthrough companies},
author = {Marko Savić},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-09-15},
address = {ImpactHub Vienna, Lindengasse 56, Vienna, Austria},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workshop}


Arh, Geni; Arh, Meta; Bernat, Petra Treven; Černej, Helena; Drnovšek, Mateja; Kovačič, Vesna; Kušlan, Aleš Kranjc; Kuhar, Špela; Mencej, Breda Kovačec; Mihajlović, Darja Cvek; Mulej, Nastja; Novak, Marjeta; Petek, Tadej; Pugelj, Tadej; Savić, Marko; Štepic, Mojca; Zupančič, Tičo

III. Expert Meeting: From inspiration to innovation – Experiential conference through 12 techniques Workshop

Cultural monument D125, Dunajska 125, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2014.

Abstract | BibTeX

title = {III. Expert Meeting: From inspiration to innovation – Experiential conference through 12 techniques},
author = {Geni Arh and Meta Arh and Petra Treven Bernat and Helena Černej and Mateja Drnovšek and Vesna Kovačič and Aleš Kranjc Kušlan and Špela Kuhar and Breda Kovačec Mencej and Darja Cvek Mihajlović and Nastja Mulej and Marjeta Novak and Tadej Petek and Tadej Pugelj and Marko Savić and Mojca Štepic and Tičo Zupančič},
editor = {Violeta Bulc and Sonja Šmuc and Kaja Rangus and Petra Svetina and Petra Jerina and Barbara Ogrinc and Filip Bračevac and Pina Maja Bulc and Bogo Seme and Jože Žmavc and Urška Lan and Alex Lan and Raphael Duret-Nauche and Andreja Cepuš and Tanja Maljevac and Barbara Viki Šubic and Špela Kuhar and Uroš Zajec and Blaž Branc and Gregor Kamnikar},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-06-12},
urldate = {2014-06-12},
address = {Cultural monument D125, Dunajska 125, Ljubljana, Slovenia},
abstract = {On Thursday, June 12, 2014, the InCo experiential conference through 12 techniques entitled From Inspiration to Innovation took place in Ljubljana. The event was organized in cultural monument D125 by the company Vibacom d.o.o., the initiator and coordinator of the InCo movement for the innovative breakthrough of Slovenia, with co-organizers the Association of Managers, the Association of Moderators of Slovenia, the Center for Architecture and professional groups and individual holders of professional knowledge. The conference enabled the participants to have a unique experience of systematically experiencing the integrated innovation process through 12 different techniques, thereby indicating the future of the way of learning and acquiring competencies.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workshop}


On Thursday, June 12, 2014, the InCo experiential conference through 12 techniques entitled From Inspiration to Innovation took place in Ljubljana. The event was organized in cultural monument D125 by the company Vibacom d.o.o., the initiator and coordinator of the InCo movement for the innovative breakthrough of Slovenia, with co-organizers the Association of Managers, the Association of Moderators of Slovenia, the Center for Architecture and professional groups and individual holders of professional knowledge. The conference enabled the participants to have a unique experience of systematically experiencing the integrated innovation process through 12 different techniques, thereby indicating the future of the way of learning and acquiring competencies.


Savić, Marko

Seminar for teachers: Business Model Innovation Workshop

Institute of Anton Martin Slomšek, Vrbanska cesta 30, Maribor, 2013.


title = {Seminar for teachers: Business Model Innovation},
author = {Marko Savić},
year = {2013},
date = {2013-10-25},
address = {Institute of Anton Martin Slomšek, Vrbanska cesta 30, Maribor},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workshop}


Savić, Marko; Prinčič, Barbara

Public workshop: Business Model Innovation Workshop

SPIRIT Slovenia, Public Agency for Entrepreneurship, Internationalization, Foreign Investments and Technology The Business and Industry Zone Tezno, Cesta k Tamu 27, Maribor, Slovenia, 2013.


title = {Public workshop: Business Model Innovation},
author = {Marko Savić and Barbara Prinčič},
year = {2013},
date = {2013-10-24},
urldate = {2013-10-24},
address = {The Business and Industry Zone Tezno, Cesta k Tamu 27, Maribor, Slovenia},
organization = {SPIRIT Slovenia, Public Agency for Entrepreneurship, Internationalization, Foreign Investments and Technology},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workshop}


Savić, Marko

Public workshop: Business Model Innovation Workshop

SPIRIT Slovenia, Public Agency for Entrepreneurship, Internationalization, Foreign Investments and Technology Technology park Ljutomer, Prešernovi ulica 2, Ljutomer, 2013.


title = {Public workshop: Business Model Innovation},
author = {Marko Savić},
year = {2013},
date = {2013-10-24},
urldate = {2013-10-24},
address = {Technology park Ljutomer, Prešernovi ulica 2, Ljutomer},
organization = {SPIRIT Slovenia, Public Agency for Entrepreneurship, Internationalization, Foreign Investments and Technology},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workshop}


Savić, Marko

Workshop: Business Model Innovation Workshop

Development Agency Sora and Municipality of Škofja Loka Poljanska cesta 2, Škofja Loka, Slovenia, 2013.


title = {Workshop: Business Model Innovation},
author = {Marko Savić},
year = {2013},
date = {2013-05-07},
address = {Poljanska cesta 2, Škofja Loka, Slovenia},
organization = {Development Agency Sora and Municipality of Škofja Loka},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workshop}


Savić, Marko

Public workshop: Business Model Innovation Workshop

Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture, Trg prekomorskih brigad 3, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2012.


title = {Public workshop: Business Model Innovation},
author = {Marko Savić},
year = {2012},
date = {2012-12-08},
address = {Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture, Trg prekomorskih brigad 3, Ljubljana, Slovenia},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workshop}


Savić, Marko

Public workshop: Business Model Innovation Workshop

Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture, Trg prekomorskih brigad 3, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2012.


title = {Public workshop: Business Model Innovation},
author = {Marko Savić},
year = {2012},
date = {2012-11-10},
address = {Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture, Trg prekomorskih brigad 3, Ljubljana, Slovenia},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workshop}


Savić, Marko

Public workshop: Business Model Innovation Workshop

Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture, Trg prekomorskih brigad 3, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2012.


title = {Public workshop: Business Model Innovation},
author = {Marko Savić},
year = {2012},
date = {2012-10-13},
address = {Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture, Trg prekomorskih brigad 3, Ljubljana, Slovenia},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workshop}


Savić, Marko

Public workshop: Business Model Innovation Workshop

Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Metelkova ulica 2, Ljubljana, 2012.


title = {Public workshop: Business Model Innovation},
author = {Marko Savić},
year = {2012},
date = {2012-03-29},
address = {Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Metelkova ulica 2, Ljubljana},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workshop}


Savić, Marko

Public workshop: Business Model Innovation Workshop

Nest – Coworking, Görlitzer Str. 52, Berlin, Germany, 2012.


title = {Public workshop: Business Model Innovation},
author = {Marko Savić},
year = {2012},
date = {2012-02-29},
address = {Nest – Coworking, Görlitzer Str. 52, Berlin, Germany},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workshop}


Masters Theses

Savić, Marko

Corporate design strategy and branding : the role of design management in developing the corporate identity Masters Thesis

University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business; International Center for Promotion of Enterprises, Ljubljana, 2010.

Abstract | BibTeX

title = {Corporate design strategy and branding : the role of design management in developing the corporate identity},
author = {Marko Savić},
editor = {Vesna Žabkar},
year = {2010},
date = {2010-09-14},
urldate = {2010-09-14},
publisher = {[M. Savić]},
address = {Ljubljana},
school = {University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business; International Center for Promotion of Enterprises},
abstract = {Brand architecture is a precondition for the corporate identity development process to start.

Although it was not possible to confirm the leading role of design management in the development of a corporate identity it is clear that design management is such a wide-spectrum discipline that it would be optimal if it has a leading role in corporate identity development. Corporate identity demands support from top management.

The resources for the development of the corporate identity are necessary from inside the corporations and from outside consultants.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}


Brand architecture is a precondition for the corporate identity development process to start.

Although it was not possible to confirm the leading role of design management in the development of a corporate identity it is clear that design management is such a wide-spectrum discipline that it would be optimal if it has a leading role in corporate identity development. Corporate identity demands support from top management.

The resources for the development of the corporate identity are necessary from inside the corporations and from outside consultants.


Savić, Marko

Šport in rekreacija v vsakdanjem življenju kot način za nadzorovanje teles: politike teles in medijski konstrukti Masters Thesis

Alma Mater Europaea, Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis, Fakulteta za podiplomski humanistični študij, Ljubljana, 2004.


title = {Šport in rekreacija v vsakdanjem življenju kot način za nadzorovanje teles: politike teles in medijski konstrukti},
author = {Marko Savić},
editor = {Melita Zajc},
year = {2004},
date = {2004-07-15},
urldate = {2004-07-15},
publisher = {[M. Savić]},
address = {Ljubljana},
school = {Alma Mater Europaea, Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis, Fakulteta za podiplomski humanistični študij},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {mastersthesis}


Diploma Theses

Savić, Marko

Ugotavljanje funkcionalne obremenitve pri vadbi aerobike Diploma Thesis

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, 1998.


title = {Ugotavljanje funkcionalne obremenitve pri vadbi aerobike},
author = {Marko Savić},
editor = {Meta Zagorc and Vid Mesarič and Radoje Milić},
year = {1998},
date = {1998-09-28},
urldate = {1998-09-28},
publisher = {[M. Savić]},
school = {University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {diplomathesis}


Marko Savić

Teacher of Economics. An advocate of green—railways, bus, and cycling—infrastructure at the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Mobilitatis Omni (under construction) during the workday.

Author of the book, titled in Slovene Oblikovanje poslovnih modelov (English title would be Business Model Design). Interdisciplinary doctoral student in Environmental Protection at the University of Ljubljana. Former Senior Lecturer in Design Management at the Faculty of Design.

Events organizer and beach volleyball promoter at beachvolley.tv. Professor of Physical Education, FIVB certified Beach Volleyball Coach, youth and individual Volleyball Coach at Volleyball club Črnuče, and veteran beach volleyball player. Former first league volleyball player.

Salsa dancer, newly regular morning runner and year-round cyclist.

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