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What is it that people in the third world really need? How to solve the transportation problem in the third world? Tata has set the right questions and solve the problem of transport with the successful development of the first true low-priced car in the world....

A design strategy follows a little different path than the technology adoption curve that follows a normal distribution. We differentiate between six different design strategies: : + Endorse; + Curate; + Integrate; + Economize; + Play; and + Refresh. Following these design strategies organisations build a sustainable competitive advantage by design....

This post was part of my presentation competing at the WBPC10.What is the corporate identity audit? Why is it important?Corporate design is the most visible part of corporate identity. And the corporate design is by definition an instrument for transformation and, at the same time, a guarantee of continuing corporate recognition. To follow that definition, when developing a corporate identity we have to conduct a proper corporate identity audit.Corporate identity audit steps:step 1: select the audit team,step 2: assess the key elements in the corporate identity,step 3: determine who should be interviewed,step 4: conduct audit interviews,step 5: audit corporate identity factors,step 6: summarize salient points,step 7: determine the options for change,step 8: present the audit results, andstep 9: use the audit data to improve the corporate identity.Corporate identity audit is necessary because there are three...

Design thinking is knowing without reasoning and as such is the most disruptive and unsystematic form of thinking. By definition, design thinking is the productive combination of analytical thinking and intuitive thinking. But design thinking will be effective in your company only if strategic planning is successfully connected with execution of products, services, and communications. ...

Corporate design is an instrument for transformation and, at the same time, a guarantee of continuing corporate recognition (Van Cauwenberge, 2008). And that could be developed only if the proper corporate identity audit has been made.A corporate identity audit has been developed in 9 steps. These 9 steps are: + step 1: select the audit team; + step 2: asses key elements in the corporate identity; + step 3: determine who should be interviewed; + step 4: conduct audit interviews; + step 5: audit corporate identity factors; + step 6: summarize salient points; + step 7: determine the options for change; + step 8: present the audit results; + step 9: use the audit data to improve the corporate identity (Ollins and Selame, 2002). If the corporate identity audit process is to be taken as an...

The first thing that design should be able to do is to clearly articulate the value it is offering. And if the intention for design is to become strategic, then it is important to be able to articulate the strategic value of design.How to achieve the strategic level of design? Important is to know how to quantify the contribution of design. And at the same time, it is important to know, how the design will become the essential strategic resource to achieve the overall mission of the organisation. When a design is taken seriously in the business process it is important to remember that establishing and maintaining mutually valuable relationships and being ready for design counseling to everyone in the organization is of critical importance. And last but not least to work with business people...