Golden circle is a pattern discovered by Simon Sinek why some leaders and organizations they lead consistently outperform others. It consists of three circles where the first is, Why you are doing what you are doing; the second is How you do what you do; and the third is What you do....

Design and innovation go hand in hand with the financial performance of organizations. Confirmed in the report from the UK's Design Council that design oriented firms in all kinds of industries have outperformed their more-traditional peers. A short example of this is presented with Nintendo's focus on design and creativity of Wii rather than classical research and development....

What is it that people in the third world really need? How to solve the transportation problem in the third world? Tata has set the right questions and solve the problem of transport with the successful development of the first true low-priced car in the world....

Ken Robinson in the book The Element: A New View of Human Capacity by Ken Robinson explains that lucky people tend to: + maximize chance opportunities; + listen to their intuition; + expect to be lucky; + have an attitude that allows them to turn bad luck to good; + know how they are intelligent. But, to find their element lucky people had to overcome their personal, social, and cultural “circles of constraints"....

"Studies have shown that design-oriented firms in all kinds of industries have outperformed their more-traditional peers—that design and innovation go hand-in-hand with financial success."—Design CouncilAt highly driven design companies they have a differentiation strategy where design is at their core. Those kinds of companies are market leaders’ through design innovation. This is reflected in the non-technological innovations that are first-to-market in opposition to so-called me-to innovations where design innovations are copied by followers.—adapted from Kootstra, 2009In these two quotes, you will find the answer. I would like to develop my own company, already a strategic design consultancy, Vizuarna into a design innovations company. That is non-technological innovations. And in that manner, I have an idea of how to help other companies/organizations/students in their reporting efforts. More to follow. Stay tuned. :)Sources:Duarte, Nancy. 2008. slide:0logy. The...

The stats helper monkeys at mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here's a high level summary of its overall blog health:The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads Fresher than ever.Crunchy numbers A Boeing 747-400 passenger jet can hold 416 passengers. This blog was viewed about 8,100 times in 2010. That's about 19 full 747s.In 2010, there were 35 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 59 posts. There were 38 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 26mb. That's about 3 pictures per month.The busiest day of the year was February 2nd with 180 views. The most popular post that day was How to present the Importance of Design Strategy to your CEO?.Where did they come from?The top referring sites in 2010 were,,,, and visitors came searching, mostly for...

This post was part of my presentation competing at the WBPC10.What is the corporate identity audit? Why is it important?Corporate design is the most visible part of corporate identity. And the corporate design is by definition an instrument for transformation and, at the same time, a guarantee of continuing corporate recognition. To follow that definition, when developing a corporate identity we have to conduct a proper corporate identity audit.Corporate identity audit steps:step 1: select the audit team,step 2: assess the key elements in the corporate identity,step 3: determine who should be interviewed,step 4: conduct audit interviews,step 5: audit corporate identity factors,step 6: summarize salient points,step 7: determine the options for change,step 8: present the audit results, andstep 9: use the audit data to improve the corporate identity.Corporate identity audit is necessary because there are three...